Thursday, July 28, 2016

Tips For A Safe Pokémon Go Experience

Pokémon Go has taken the public by storm and is the latest craze.  People are so hooked on the game that they are putting themselves in vulnerable positions, by visiting out of the way places late at night or alone.  Kids become so fascinated by the game that they actually forget all safety rules, and will talk to people they don't know or even walk off with them as evidenced in some recent videos.

Parents you must set firm ground rules for playing the game. It can be a fun family activity, but the when, where and with who must be established first.  Also, parents cannot just state these rules once and expect kids to follow them to a tee.  Parents should also consider having kids under 18 sign a contract with the rules, and if they violate any of the rules, their playing privileges are revoked.  These rules should also apply to adults playing the game by themselves as they could also be targeted by criminals.

Here are some safety tips to review with your children on a regular basis regarding Pokémon Go:

  • Do not EVER sneak out of the house to go play the game without
    permission from parents!
  • Do not let individuals you do not know use your phone.  If there is an emergency, you call 911.
  • Always travel in pairs or with several people when playing the game, especially at night.
  • Don't go to areas you're not familiar with, and always let someone know where you're headed even if you're with a partner(s).
  • Remain vigilant about your surroundings at all times.  Do not become so engrossed in the game, that you fail to notice people around you.
  • Be aware if individuals or groups seem to be playing everywhere you go, or are too close in proximity to you.  It could be coincidence or they could be stalking you.
  • Keep your valuables like (wallets, cash and jewelry) hidden while out and about.
  • Be careful of divulging personal information to people who seem determined to engage you in conversation.
  • If driving, keep your door locked and windows rolled up, especially in areas you are not familiar with.
  • Most important, trust your gut instincts about places and/or people.  If something doesn't feel right, get out of the area immediately!
Pokémon Go is a nationwide phenomenon that is meant to be fun for all involved.  But unfortunately, some criminals are using some of the  Pokémon Stops to commit crimes on the players.  Be vigilant, be safe and be aware that some may be creating or using false stops to lure people in for the purpose of robbery or sexual assault.

Remember - "If you fail to plan, Plan to fail!"
